
Two students win George Watt Essay Award

December 17, 2014
Two students win George Watt Essay Award

The Watt Prize awards excellence in student writing about any aspect of the Spanish Civil War, the struggle against fascism, or the lifetime histories of the Americans who fought in Spain.
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Bay Area honors Pete Seeger & Equal Justice

December 17, 2014
Bay Area honors Pete Seeger & Equal Justice

On a sunny October Sunday, the city of Berkeley still buzzing about the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, many alumni of that good fight, together with family and friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, came to the Freight & Salvage Coffee House to pay homage to the anti-fascist volunteers and veterans who...
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Human Rights Film Festival stirs debate

December 17, 2014
Human Rights Film Festival stirs debate

ALBA granted the first Harry Randall Award to the documentary 1971, a startling portrait of the civilians who uncovered Hoover’s secret FBI.
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ALBA Institutes draw more than 80 teachers

December 17, 2014
ALBA Institutes draw more than 80 teachers

More than 80 high school teachers from New York City and New Jersey participated in back-to-back ALBA institutes during the first week of November. As in most ALBA classrooms, the majority of teachers work in Social Studies—including US History, World History, and Government—but these groups also had significant numbers of Spanish teachers. Brooklyn’s Abraham...
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Exhibit: UK artists’ response to the SCW

September 10, 2014
Exhibit: UK artists’ response to the SCW

While British literature about the Spanish Civil War has been widely celebrated, the story of how artists responded has remained largely untold. From 8 November Pallant House Gallery in Chichester will present “Conscience and Conflict: British Artists and the Spanish Civil War”, the first major exhibition to examine the involvement of British visual artists...
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Alicante plaque recalls final rescue voyage

September 10, 2014
Alicante plaque recalls final rescue voyage

A memorial to the evacuation on a British ship of some 3,000 Spanish Republicans in the final days of the Spanish Civil War was unveiled on 30 March – almost exactly 75 years since the Stanbrook set sail from Alicante on 28 March 1939.
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IBMT’s first permanent exhibition opens

September 10, 2014
IBMT’s first permanent exhibition opens

Original British Battalion banner on display at Newhaven Fort
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Including ALBA in your will

September 10, 2014
Including ALBA in your will

Making gifts to ALBA in your will is an important source of funding to continue our work. A gift in your will keeps our educational programs growing in the long term. While gifts for specific purposes are always welcome, ALBA is especially grateful for unrestricted gifts that can be used where they are needed...
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History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

September 9, 2014
History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

Three 8th-grade students placed fifth at the National History Day Finals for their work on the history of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

September 9, 2014
Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

When things seem bleakest, hope often sparks.
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