
The Jarama Society: Keeping our mission alive

March 13, 2015
The Jarama Society: Keeping our mission alive

We welcome and thank the members of the newly established Jarama Society, a group of individuals who decided to include ALBA in their estate plans. These gifts build our endowment and keep our educational mission alive: Phil Bereano, Washington • Nancy Bishop, Illinois • Claire Carsman, California • Richard Hershcopf, Colorado • Elizabeth and Marjorie Liss in honor...
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Heart of Spain in Berkeley: SCW Musical Back in March

March 13, 2015
Heart of Spain in Berkeley: SCW Musical Back in March

Heart of Spain - A Musical of the Spanish Civil War, created by ALBA’s Peter Glazer and Eric Bain Peltoniemi, a composer from St. Paul, Minnesota, comes to the stage for a special performance in Berkeley on March 30.
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Teaching Institute Leads to POW’s Letter

March 13, 2015
Teaching Institute Leads to POW’s Letter

Among the high school teachers who attended ALBA’s teaching institute at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington last November was Dean Burrier Sanchis, a Spanish teacher at Elk Grove High School near Chicago, and the grandson of Lincoln veteran Vincent Sanchis Amades. Dean brought along a letter his grandfather wrote soon after he was released...
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Spain’s Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory Wins Human Rights Award

March 13, 2015
Spain’s Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory Wins Human Rights Award

ALBA is proud to announce the winner of the 2015 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism--the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain. (TicketsPress Release  | Comunicado de prensa.) Founded by journalist Emilio Silva in 2000, the Association has...
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Stained glass window to commemorate Belfast IBers

February 8, 2015

Good news from Ireland: The International Brigade Commemoration Committee is pleased to announce that in cooperation with the Belfast City Council a stained glass window will be unveiled later this year to the men from Belfast who went to join the International Brigades in Spain and to the men and women who supported Spanish...
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Including ALBA in your will

December 17, 2014
Including ALBA in your will

Making gifts to ALBA in your will is an important source of funding to continue our work. A gift in your will keeps our educational programs growing in the long term. While gifts for specific purposes are always welcome, ALBA is especially grateful for unrestricted gifts that can be used where they are needed...
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ALBA announces matching gift program

December 17, 2014
ALBA announces matching gift program

Double your donation! As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, ALBA is eligible for many employers’ matching gifts programs. Many companies sponsor matching gift programs that allow their employees to make donations to charitable organizations, which the company then doubles or, in some cases, triples! Be sure to submit your ALBA receipts to your Human...
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Letter from ALBA: Spread the word

December 17, 2014
<i>Letter from ALBA:</i> Spread the word

It was thrilling to receive such positive responses to our September issue, featuring Pablo Iglesias, the 36-year-old political scientist who may well be Spain’s next Prime Minister. (Even Pablo himself took to Twitter to say how honored he was to be on our cover.) Events in Spain continue to develop in an exciting direction;...
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Minnesota volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

December 17, 2014
Minnesota volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

Snow flurries whipped through the freezing air as 22-year-old Clarence Forrester crunched his way through the snow from the Minneapolis Auditorium, thoughts of a much warmer land an ocean away crowding his mind. An hour earlier, he’d heard students from the University of Madrid plead the cause of the Spanish Republic in its war...
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Archaeology and memory in Spain

December 17, 2014
Archaeology and memory in Spain

Following the Spanish Civil War, the victorious dictator Francisco Franco used archaeology to legitimate his power as well as the official history of the war. Today, many Spanish people are working to change the official history to include those who the Franco regime erased or demonized. In modern times there has been a movement...
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