
San Francisco National Monument Will Look Better Than Ever

August 23, 2018
San Francisco National Monument Will Look Better Than Ever

Arts Commission approves repair to the San Francisco national monument that will stand the test of time.
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Letter from ALBA: Setting the Record Straight

August 23, 2018
Letter from ALBA: Setting the Record Straight

We are going to press on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro, the longest, most extensive, and bloodiest battle of the Spanish Civil War. In spite of Franco’s superiority in manpower and equipment, the Republicans sought to thwart the Fascist offensive on Valencia and to gain time in the hope that...
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A Human-Rights Periscope: ALBA’s Documentary Film Festival Returns

August 23, 2018
A Human-Rights Periscope: ALBA’s Documentary Film Festival Returns

From September 21 through 23, “Impugning Impunity” presents 15 short and long documentaries from around the world. Info at
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Will Franco Finally Be Exhumed? Anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz: “This Is As Complex As Ground Zero or Srebrenica.”

August 23, 2018
Will Franco Finally Be Exhumed? <em>Anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz: “This Is As Complex As Ground Zero or Srebrenica.”</em>

Spain’s new Prime Minister, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, has decided it’s time to remove Franco’s body and redefine his mausoleum, the Valley of the Fallen. Few people know more about the Valley and its possible future than the anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz. An interview.
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Plaque Honors Robert Merriman

July 2, 2018
Plaque Honors Robert Merriman

In recent years, investigators of the research group DIDPATRI (Didactics of Heritage) at the University of Barcelona have tried to locate the remains of Robert Hale Merriman, Commander of the Lincoln-Washington Battalion and Chief of Staff of the XV International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.
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“If There Ever Was a Time to Do a Better Job Teaching Civics, It’s Now”

July 1, 2018
“If There Ever Was a Time to Do a Better Job Teaching Civics, It’s Now”

ALBA’s teaching partner in Massachusetts will be in charge of training the state’s teachers for the new social studies standards—which include a return to civics education and an explicit mention of the Spanish Civil War
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ALBA’s on the Road Again: Record Number of Teacher Workshops

July 1, 2018
ALBA’s on the Road Again: Record Number of Teacher Workshops

Ten years after launching ALBA’s Teach-the-Teachers professional development program, the number of school districts we partner with continues to multiply. At the same time, the content of our resources has deepened and expanded as secondary school teachers and their students around the country increasingly see connections between historical questions and current events.
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Letter from ALBA: Time for Action

July 1, 2018
Letter from ALBA: Time for Action

Dear Friends and Comrades: This is no time for pessimism or inaction. The forces of reaction have reemerged out of the shadows in this country as well as elsewhere around the world. We stand in solidarity with the thousands of courageous teenagers who spoke out and organized to stop gun violence following the massacre...
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ALBA’s New York Event: Video & Photo Gallery

July 1, 2018
ALBA’s New York Event: Video & Photo Gallery

A photo gallery from the New York event.
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How to Bring Corporations to Their Knees: 2018 ALBA/Puffin Award Honors Florida Farm Workers

July 1, 2018
How to Bring Corporations to Their Knees: 2018 ALBA/Puffin Award Honors Florida Farm Workers

How do you convince a multinational corporate buyer not only to pay a bit more, but to force its suppliers to respect human rights, help fight sexual and labor abuse, and give an autonomous voice to the workers they employ? Florida’s Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has cracked the code. The key, they found,...
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