
Allende’s body to be exhumed

April 16, 2011
Allende’s body to be exhumed

Via the New York Times, Agence France-Presse reports:

Decades after President Salvador Allende died in a 1973 coup, Chile is preparing to exhume his body to determine once and for all whether he took his own life or was murdered by...
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Archives of Activism: The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (2004, 11 mins)

April 13, 2011

I finally figured out how to upload to the video I made in 2004 about ALBA and the uses to which the archive was being put in the early 2000s. Many of the details contained in the video are by now obsolete: the number of surviving veterans has dramatically declined since 2004; the...
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Allende family wants exhumation

April 13, 2011
Allende family wants exhumation

The family of Chilean President Salvador Allende, who died during the 1973 Pinochet coup, is requesting that his body be exhumed in order to help determine the cause of death, Democracy Now! reports:

Allende was overthrown in a U.S.-backed coup. His official cause of death was listed as suicide, but it has...
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Documentary screening in New York: Monday, April 18, 2011

April 13, 2011
Documentary screening in New York:  Monday, April 18, 2011

Spain in/and the United States Screening and discussion of two documentaries about Spaniards in the US. NYU’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese and its King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, together with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives and the Comisión de Archivos de La Nacional, are pleased to present filmmaker Luis Argeo, who...
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Famous escapees revisit Francoist jail

April 13, 2011
Famous escapees revisit Francoist jail

From the English edition of El País:

The ages of the men range from the late fifties to mid-sixties. At the drop of a hat, they have been taken back 33 years, the length of time they have been at liberty.

"Who are you?"

"We are former prisoners."

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Outrage over Garzón case continues

April 13, 2011
Outrage over Garzón case continues

Today's papers feature another series of reactions to yesterday's news that the second Supreme Court trial against Garzón has been opened. Many commentators, including El País in an editorial, brand the obvious rush with which the presiding judge, Barreiro, is proceeding, opening the trial with several appeals pending, and denying Garzón and...
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Juan Salas interviewed on Cartier-Bresson ALB film at Cinema du Réel

April 13, 2011
Juan Salas interviewed on Cartier-Bresson ALB film at Cinema du Réel

Juan Salas was in Paris in March, alongside ALBA's Robert Coale, to present With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain, the rediscovered film by Henri Cartier-Bresson and Herbert Kline (clip here), at Cinéma du Réel, the prestigous international documentary film festival. Here is an interview with Juan (in French) from the Festival...
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May 14 Award Event Details: Turley, Ratner, Cox, Rosenstein, Sarandon, Belafonte, Farrell

April 12, 2011
May 14 Award Event Details: Turley, Ratner, Cox, Rosenstein, Sarandon, Belafonte, Farrell

ALBA has just issued a press release (versión en español) with further details on the May 14 annual celebration, featuring ALBA/Puffin Awardee Baltasar Garzón:

A pre-event benefit will feature a question-and-answer session and the opportunity to meet Judge Garzón over a light lunch.   Judge Garzón will be interviewed by Jonathan Turley,...
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Something’s Rotten in the State of Spain

April 12, 2011

A news item buried  in yesterday's edition of the Spanish e-paper El Plural called attention to a little-known case pending in Spain's Constitutional Court, whose outcome could have definitive repercussions on two of Garzón's three cases. There is an anomalous figure in Spanish law known as "acusación popular", which allows unharmed citizens to press...
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More coverage of Garzón’s wiretap case

April 12, 2011

Some additional English-language coverage from the Associated Press:

In his latest altercation with the Spanish legal system, Garzon was probing a network of businesses that allegedly paid money and gifts to members of Spain's conservative opposition Popular Party in exchange for lucrative contracts in towns and regions governed by that party. As part...
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