
Italian group brings criminal suit for Barcelona bombings

May 31, 2011
Italian group brings criminal suit for Barcelona bombings

The legal route for the investigation and persecution of crimes committed by the Nationalist side during the Spanish Civil War seemed to have reached a dead end with the suspension of Judge Baltasar Garzón last year. Yet this week an organization of Italian residents in Barcelona will being a suit for crimes against...
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Anti-Republican slant in new biographical dictionary

May 31, 2011
Anti-Republican slant in new biographical dictionary

The presentation last week of a new, monumental biographical dictionary in Spain has raised important questions about the relationship between the State and the projects it sponsors, as well as the persistent strength of Francoist nostalgia among the Spanish Right. The massive, 50-volume project--initiated in 1998 by the conservative government of José María...
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Spanish courts go after El Salvador military leaders

May 31, 2011

A judge on Spain's national criminal court has issued arrest warrants for military officials from El Salvador who played a leading role in that country's civil war. They are accused of  "meticulously planning and carrying out the killings of six Jesuit priests in 1989," Elisabeth Malkin reports for the New York Times: Read more »

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Nation re-publishes letter from Lincoln Brigader

May 28, 2011

In a slide show to mark Memorial Day, The Nation has published a 1937 letter from a brigadista. See the slide show here (slide 4).
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Leonora Carrington (1917-2011)

May 28, 2011
Leonora Carrington (1917-2011)

Leonora Carrington, the last living Surrealist, long-time friend of Spanish Republicans, and later wife of Robert Capa's friend Cziki Weiss, died in Mexico City this week. The Times has a long obituary:

Leonora Carrington, a British-born Surrealist and onetime romantic partner of Max Ernst whose paintings depicted women and half-human beasts floating...
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On garbage trucks and tanks: Barcelona, 27 May 2011

May 27, 2011
On garbage trucks and tanks:  Barcelona, 27 May 2011

I’ve been away for some days, and haven’t had time  to catch up with the press coverage of the 15-May movement in Spain.  But one of the messages I found in my cluttered inbox upon my return contained this link to photos of the violent disbandment of the peaceful protesters that took place today...
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Conservatives win big in Spain

May 24, 2011

The regional and municipal elections on Sunday in Spain confirmed the Left's worst fears, as the ruling Socialist Party was routed and the conservative Partido Popular achieved its largest electoral victory in its history, predicting a similar victory in next year's general election--although not all the votes that the Socialists lost went to the...
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Allende exhumed

May 24, 2011
Allende exhumed

The exhumation of the body of Chilean President Salvador Allende, at the request of his family, is expected to shed light on the still murky circumstances surrounding his death during the September 1973 coup that inaugurated the bloody regime of General Augusto Pinochet. The New York Times reports:

after nearly 38 years...
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Lincoln Brigade images of May Day 1946 (still and moving)

May 23, 2011
Lincoln Brigade images of May Day 1946 (still and moving)

In the slide show we prepared for the Pete Seeger benefit concert last October, we incorporated a photograph of Lincoln vets marching in the 1946 New York May Day Parade. As it turns out, there is also moving footage of this parade. See the clip here; the Lincolns make there appearance around the...
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Spaniards in New York, then and now

May 23, 2011
Spaniards in New York, then and now

The students in my undergraduate seminar –“Spain in New York”– and I are in the process of uploading to a word-press blog the results of our research about the history and current presence of Spain and Spanish culture in New York. The recent rally of Spanish ex-pats at the foot of the Washington Square...
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