
London concert to commemorate IB

July 10, 2011

A commemorative concert to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War, "The Song of Songs," will be performed at Bridewell Hall, London EC4Y 8EQ, featuring Caroline Barnes (violin), Miguel Calvo (cello), Michael Chant (piano), Tom Chant (saxophone), Robert Coleridge (piano), Philip Edwards (clarinet), Alys Hewer (flute), Lesley Larkum (viola), and Catherine Pluygers (oboe)....
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Spanish TV covers UK commemoration of International Brigades

July 10, 2011
Spanish TV covers UK commemoration of International Brigades

Spain's national evening news evening covered last weekend's London celebration commemorating the creation of the International Brigades 75 years ago. The segment, which begins about 12m:30s  into the broadcast, includes footage UK veterans David Lomon and Thomas Watters. See the whole program here. The anniversary attracted considerable media attention, including an editorial in...
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“Mexican Suitcase” film premieres in Mexico, US and Europe

July 10, 2011
“Mexican Suitcase” film premieres in Mexico, US and Europe

Trisha Ziff's 90-minute documentary Mexican Suitcase is poised for its United States premiere at the Laliff-Los Angeles Latino Film Festival on July 24th (order tickets here). In Europe it was screened on July 5 at the prestigious Rencontres, Europe's most important photography festival, held in Arles, France, and the Read more »

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Trisha Ziff interviewed in El País

July 10, 2011
Trisha Ziff interviewed in El País

Trisha Ziff, the curator and filmmaker who was instrumental in the recovery of the "Mexican Suitcase," is interviewed in El País about her documentary Mexican Suitcase, which retraces the miraculous journey of the more than 4,000 Spanish Civil War negatives from Paris to Mexico to New York.  A reflection on memory, history,...
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Mexican Suitcase show in France

July 10, 2011
Mexican Suitcase show in France

The exhibit featuring the more than 4,000 Spanish Civil War images by Robert Capa, "Chim" Seymour and Gerda Taro that were recovered from the so-called "Mexican Suitcase" have begun their travels after their initial display at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York. They are now on show in Arles, France, Artdaily...
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Letter Sent to the New York Times

July 7, 2011
Letter Sent to the New York Times

Re: Spain Confronts Years of Pain Over Lost Babies Congratulations are due to the New York Times for your excellent front-page coverage of this terrifying story.  Many of us hope you might be able to give similar prominent coverage to a much larger and related story:  that of the over 100,000 victims of the...
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Orphan DVD with Cartier-Bresson Lincoln Brigade wins award

July 2, 2011
Orphan DVD with Cartier-Bresson Lincoln Brigade wins award

The Orphan Film Symposium DVD containing the recovered and restored film With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain, by Henri-Cartier-Bresson and Herb Kline, was just award for "Most Original Contribution to Film History" at the prestigious Cinema Ritrovato festival in Bologna, Italy. It was the scholar and ALBA friend Juan Salas who, while conducting research on...
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British media reflect on MI5 SCW files

June 30, 2011

The British media are considering the ramifications of the information contained in the MI5 files on the Spanish Civil War and International Brigades that were released two days ago. Here is a piece in the Guardian by SCW scholar Tom Buchanan; here a segment on the topic from Channel 4 news with...
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Echoes of the SCW in Greece

June 29, 2011
Echoes of the SCW in Greece

Spanish Civil War scholar Len Tsou sends us the following note from Athens:

While waiting for a solution to sail for Gaza, I went to the rally at Syntagma square during the 48 Hrs general strike. I saw a familiar banner attached here.

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MI5 files released: British participation much greater than thought

June 28, 2011

The UK National Archives have just released a large cache of records related to the British participation in the Spanish Civil War. From the press release:

More volunteers may have left Britain with the aim of joining the International Brigades in Spain than previously thought according to documents discovered at The National Archives.

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