
Review of Cold War Exiles in Mexico: US Dissidents and the Culture of Resistance

October 12, 2011

(Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2008) Review published in American Studies, Vol 50, Nos 3/4, Fall/Winter, 2009. This is an impressive piece of scholarship, which combines admirable bibliographic and archival research with clear, engaging prose.  Throughout the book’s five main chapters, Schreiber painstakingly reconstructs the biographical and artistic trajectories of a talented and diverse...
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Tribute to the IB in Benissa (Nov. 4-6)

October 11, 2011

Robert Llopis is sending along the information on this year's Tribute to the International Brigades in Benissa (in Catalan, Spanish, and English):
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IBMT commemorates 1936 anti-fascist victory in London

October 10, 2011
IBMT commemorates 1936 anti-fascist victory in London

Cable Street in London’s East End, an area which is now predominantly Bengali as it had been predominantly Jewish in 1936, saw 1,000 people march this October 2 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the attempt of the British Union of Fascists to stage their hate match through the area. See...
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Program for 75th anniversary events IB in Madrid

October 10, 2011

The detailed list and timetable of the two-day conference in Madrid (Oct 20-21) to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the International Brigades, as well as a series of related events in Madrid before and after the conference, have been made available in two pdfs: Conference Program; Other Events.
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Spaniards discover large mass grave

September 29, 2011
Spaniards discover large mass grave

Between 300 and 600 bodies: that is how many researchers expect to find in a newly discovered mass grave near Jerez de la Frontera, in southern Spain, which is thought to have been the site of a Nationalist torture and detention center during the war, Público reports. Australia´s ABC News has more...
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New book on ALBer Sam Levinger

September 29, 2011
New book on ALBer Sam Levinger

Laurie Levinger's book on her uncle Sam Levinger's life, Love and Revolutionary Greetings: An Ohio Boy in the Spanish Civil War, will be published later this year by Wipf and Stock:

Love and Revolutionary Greetings is the story of Sam Levinger, a young man who went to Spain in 1937 to join the Abraham...
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International Brigader’s skeleton found

September 27, 2011
International Brigader’s skeleton found

"The Last Hero of the Battle of the Ebro," reads the headline in El País reporting the discovery of the remains of a Republican soldier last week, during an excavation of trenches that made up the last line of defense in the last moments of the famous Spanish Civil War battle. Given...
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New biography of Michael O’Riordan

September 27, 2011
New biography of Michael O’Riordan

David Granville reviews Michael Quinn's new biography of Michael O'Riordan, former IRA member, International Brigader and Irish Communist Party leader for over four decades, for the Morning Star:

Quinn's book, covering the years 1938-1947, spans O'Riordan's return from Spain - where he had continued the fight against fascism begun in...
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SCW play opens in DC

September 27, 2011
SCW play opens in DC

José Sanchís Sinisterra 1987 blockbuster Spanish Civil War play ¡Ay Carmela!, very successfully adapted to the screen by Carlos Saura in 1990, has just opened in a new production at the GALA Hispanic Theater under the direction of José Luis Arellano García. The show is "stirring" and "eloquent", Celia Wren wrote...
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New Hemingway biography reviewed

September 27, 2011
New Hemingway biography reviewed

James Salter reviews Hemingway's Boat, Paul Hendrickson's new biography of the writer of For Whom the Bell Tolls, in the latest NYRB:

Hemingway’s Boat, which covers the last twenty-seven years of Hemingway’s life, from 1934 to 1961, is not, as is made clear at the beginning, a conventional biography....
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