
This Wednesday: Centelles symposium

November 27, 2011
This Wednesday: Centelles symposium

This coming Wednesday November 30th, at 6pm ALBA is co-sponsoring a symposium on the Spanish Civil War Photographs of Agustí Centelles at the King Juan Carlos I Center in New York City (53 Washington Sq S), where the exhibit Centelles in_edit_oh! is up for another couple of weeks.  With the participation of...
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Spain puts SCW documentaries online

November 23, 2011
Spain puts SCW documentaries online

The Spanish daily Público reports:  Spain’s Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts has uploaded to the Ministry of Culture’s youtube channel a selection of 93 film documents from its historical archive and from the Spanish Civil War holdings of Spain’s Filmoteca.  Many of the Civil War documentaries were included on a wonderful DVD collection...
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First exhumation in post-election Spain

November 22, 2011
First exhumation in post-election Spain

A day after the landslide conservative victory in Spain’s general elections on Sunday, the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH) has announced the discovery of the remains of Nicomedes Fernández, miner from the town of Nerva (Huelva) who was killed in February 1938 at age 34. The new government of Mariano Rajoy,...
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Back at San Pedro de Cardeña

November 22, 2011
Back at San Pedro de Cardeña

I had come to Burgos from New York City in order to lend my presence in representing the families of the former prisoners at San Pedro de Cardeña. My father, Lincoln Brigade Veteran Hy Wallach, had been incarcerated there during 1938-1939. The ensuing events of the weekend would repeatedly bring to mind the...
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Nancy Wallach at San Pedro

November 22, 2011
Nancy Wallach at San Pedro

Nancy Wallach, daughter of Lincoln vet Hy Wallach, spoke recently at a gathering in the former concentration campo of San Pedro de Cardeña, where the Francoists held her father, along with Sidney Rosenblatt, Max Parker, Carl Geiser and many other IB prisoners of war (see the Jaily News blog). This is the...
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UC Davis: Is it fascism yet?

November 21, 2011
UC Davis: Is it fascism yet?

It was in 2006 that I first saw this phrase, on a button worn by a young man on the uptown 6 train.  I was on the subway heading up to the Museum of the City of New York for a meeting related to the exhibition “Facing Fascism:  New York and the Spanish Civil...
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FFALB in Barcelona

November 18, 2011
FFALB in Barcelona

Felipe Blasco sends us a detailed report on the IB tribute in Barcelona, with some nice pictures of the Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Read the report (in Spanish) here.
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Italian video of 75th anniversary events

November 14, 2011

The Associazione Italiana Combattenti Volontari Antifascisti di Spagna (AICVAS) has posted a video report of the events surrounding the 75th anniversary of the founding of the International Brigades. Watch it here.
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Soccer: Remembering the IB

November 14, 2011
Soccer: Remembering the IB

Jim Jump writes: This image was seen by millions of TV viewers in Britain and Spain during the live broadcast on Saturday night (November 12th) of an England-Spain soccer game in London (which Spain lost, by the way). The placard appeared on screen for several seconds during the two-minute silence for Britain’s war dead...
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IB homage in Benissa

November 13, 2011
IB homage in Benissa

The Sixth Annual Tribute to the International Brigades was held this past November 4-6 in Benissa with a lecture by Guillem Casañ on the IB's network of hospitals and medical services, and the traditional honoring of the ten IBers buried in the town. Photos here.

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