
“Mexican Suitcase” screened at Tucson festival

February 11, 2012
“Mexican Suitcase” screened at Tucson festival

The Mexican Suitcase, Trisha Ziff’s brilliant documentary about the re-discovery in Mexico of 4,500 Spanish Civil War photographic negatives of Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and David Seymour, will be part of the line-up of "Cine México" in Tucson, Arizona, later this month (February 29-March 4). All screenings and events are free and...
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NYT: A chilling verdict in Spain

February 11, 2012

Devastating op-ed in today's New York Times, on the judicial shenanigans in Spain  here. En castellano: Los enemigos del Juez Baltasar Gárzón finalmente se han salido con la suya.  El Tribunal Supremo esta semana declaró culpable al juez de aplicar mal las leyes españolas sobre la interceptación de comunicaciones y le han suspendido de los...
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Fighting impunity in Guatemala, case by case

February 10, 2012

"The secrets from a vault of moldy documents long covered in bat and rat droppings could soon help to put former top Guatemalan officials behind bars, years after the country's brutal civil war ended in 1996," Mica Rosenberg and Kieran Murray write for Reuters:

Clues found in the millions of police documents...
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Garzón: I reject the ruling and will fight it

February 9, 2012

In a statement just published, Judge Garzón has expressed his “frontal rejection” of the ruling by his country’s Supreme Court that has sentenced him to an 11-year disbarment. This rejection is based on his understanding that the ruling has been “unjust and predetermined,” employs spurious arguments, and lacking in evidence; he vows to use...
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Worldwide coverage of Garzón disbarment

February 9, 2012

The Guardian's Giles Tremlett covers the protest meeting in Madrid. More reports in the LA Times, the Daily Beast, the BBC, the New York Times, and the Associated Press. ""It looks like Garzón's enemies got what they wanted," HRW's Reed Brody told Tremlett, "… the criminal prosecution of...
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Garzón’s daughter: We’re hurt but not destroyed, continue to have faith in justice

February 9, 2012
Garzón’s daughter: We’re hurt but not destroyed, continue to have faith in justice

María Garzón, daughter of Baltasar Garzón, has published an open letter in response to the Supreme Court ruling that sentences her father to 11 years of disbarment:

This letter is addressed to all those who today break out the champagne to toast to the disbarment of Baltasar Garzón.

To you, who...
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Garzón sentenced to 11 years suspension; decision met with outrage

February 9, 2012
Garzón sentenced to 11 years suspension; decision met with outrage

Judge Garzón has been sentenced to an 11 year suspension and a 2,500 euro fine for prevarication in relation to his investigation of a wide-ranging corruption ring involving the Valencia branch of the ruling conservative Partido Popular. The Supreme Court tribunal judging the case voted unanimously to find the judge guilty. This is the...
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ALBA announces 2012 Human Rights Award winners

February 8, 2012
ALBA announces 2012 Human Rights Award winners

(Read the full press release here. En castellano.) On May 13, 2012, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives will present the Second ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, in the amount of $100,000, to Fredy Peccerelli, Executive Director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, and Kate Doyle, Senior Analyst of U.S. policy in Latin...
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New IBMT newsletter

February 7, 2012
New IBMT newsletter

Jim Jump just sent us the latest issue (pdf) of the wonderful newsletter of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, featuring coverage of the 75 anniversary celebrations, a review of the IB musical by Karl Lewkowicz and Judith Johnson, book reviews, and more.  Click here to access the newsletter in pdf.
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Franco’s victims get their day in court (sort of)

February 5, 2012
Franco’s victims get their day in court (sort of)

Many thought the day would never come. And yet this past week, a handful of aging victims of Francoist repression appeared before Spain's Supreme Court to tell the horrifying stories of how their parents or grandparents were dragged from their houses and shot by Franco's forces during the Spanish Civil War. In other...
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