
Garzón Foundation sponsors conference on Universal Jurisdiction

April 26, 2014
Garzón Foundation sponsors conference on Universal Jurisdiction

This coming May 20-23, the Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón is sponsoring an international conference on the challenges facing the principle of Universal Jurisdiction, whose application was recently curbed by the Spanish government (see Adam Hochschild's piece in the New York Times). Participants include Reed Brody of Human Rights Watch, Wolfgang Kaleck, general...
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Adam Hochschild on Spain’s court of memory

April 15, 2014
Adam Hochschild on Spain’s court of memory

“In most countries, there is no statute of limitations for murder. Should there be one for torture?” Adam Hochschild asks in a New York Times op-ed today; In Spain, neither charge can be brought against anyone who worked for the harsh, long-lasting regime of Francisco Franco, because of an amnesty law that eased the country’s...
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In the Lincolns’ footsteps, continued

April 2, 2014
In the Lincolns’ footsteps, continued

Anna Martí, who has been following in the Lincolns' footsteps for The Volunteer, sends this video (with English subtitles) of her recent journey re-tracing the night time retreat between Batea and Corbera over the 1st and 2nd of April 1938.
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Taking sides: Artists and writers on the Spanish Civil War

March 11, 2014
Taking sides: Artists and writers on the Spanish Civil War

Marshall Mateer has produced a video report (running for just under 10 minutes) of the IBMT’s conference, Taking Sides: Artists and Writers on the Spanish Civil War, which was held in Manchester on March 1st. Separate videos of all four lectures will be posted on the IBMTnews YouTube site in due course.  
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Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

March 10, 2014
Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

On February 1, 2014 I had the honor of bringing fraternal greetings from ALBA to the International Brigades Commemoration Committee, where an overflow crowd met to honor these men from Belfast who joined common cause in the earliest battlefields in the war against fascism in Spain. The International Brigades Commemoration Committee exists to...
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New IBMT newsletter

February 21, 2014
New IBMT newsletter

Our friends in the UK at the International Brigade Memorial Trust have just sent us their latest newsletter: 28 pages with articles on the new Ebro memorial, news on the Madrid monument,  and the British seafarers who defied fascist bombs and U-boats to trade with Republican Spain, in addition to book reviews and much more. Read it in...
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Would Orwell be considered a terrorist?

February 11, 2014
Would Orwell be considered a terrorist?

“If George Orwell and Laurie Lee were to return from the Spanish civil war today, they would be arrested under section five of the Terrorism Act 2006,” George Monbiot wrote in The Guardian yesterday, If convicted of fighting abroad with a “political, ideological, religious or racial motive” – a charge they would find hard to contest –...
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The Silences of Pope Francis

February 2, 2014

Pope Francis has attacked unfettered capitalism as "a new tyranny." But the silence maintained by the former Argentinian bishop Bergoglio (now Pope Francis), during the brutal Argentinian dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s, puzzles many people. Vicente Navarro got a clue from the recent Tarragona service (honoring the members of the Church who...
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Calling on the second and third generations to help preserve the legacy of the Lincolns

January 3, 2014
Calling on the second and third generations to help preserve the legacy of the Lincolns

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, which is dedicated to educating future generations about the Spanish Civil War, is engaged in a renewed effort to reach out the members of the second and third generations to help recuperate and preserve the collective history of the Spaniards and Internationals who fought fascism. Our aim is to...
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Carlos Blanco: Critical thinker from the margins

December 20, 2013
Carlos Blanco: Critical thinker from the margins

Along with thousands others, Carlos Blanco left Spain defeated but managed to preserve what is most admirable of the Spanish Republican values at the core of his identity, and to return them to the world through his actions.
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