
SCW films wins prize in Amsterdam

July 5, 2010

La buena nueva (2008), a Spanish Civil War film directed by Helena Taberna and starring Bárbara Goenaga, received the Special Jury Prize for Acting at the Amsterdam Film Festival:

A young priest arrives in his first assignment to a small parish serving a working-class village in the first days of...
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Tribute to British and other SCW volunteers

July 5, 2010
Tribute to British and other SCW volunteers

A ceremony was held at the IB Memorial in London two days ago:

This was the first year that there were no veterans of the conflict at the annual celebration, although seven from Britain still survive and were awarded Spanish Passports by the Spanish Government in 2009 as a gesture...
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Annullment of sentences after all?

July 5, 2010
Annullment of sentences after all?

What exactly is the legal status of the hundreds of thousands of sentences issued by Francoist tribunals during and after the Civil War? To the frustration of many associated with the movement calling for a "recovery of historical memory," Spain's "Historical Memory Law" of 2007 did not include an a massive annulment of...
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Carrillo: crisis is an opportunity

July 5, 2010
Carrillo: crisis is an opportunity

Raphael Minder, writing in today's New York Times, talks about Spain's economic crisis with two dinosaurs of Spanish politics: Manuel Fraga, Franco's minister of propaganda in the sixties and later president of Galicia, and Santiago Carrillo, former secretary general of the Spanish Communist Party. For the latter, the crisis provides an opportunity...
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HRW: Human Rights Council still too selective

July 2, 2010

Last week Human Rights Watch issued a critical report on the work of the United Nations' Human Rights Council, founded in 2006 in place of the UN Commission on Human Rights and up for review in 2011. HRW's report takes a comprehensive look at the Council's successes and failures, calling on the...
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Dominican Republic commemorates arrival of Spanish refugees

July 2, 2010
Dominican Republic commemorates arrival of Spanish refugees

Seventy years ago, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the ruthless dictator of the Dominican Republic, welcomed the first group of Spanish Republican refugees, initiating one of the most contradictory and tragic episodes of the postwar Spanish diaspora--an event on whose  commemoration in the DR Público reports today. Trujillo's generosity toward the thousands of Spaniards fleeing Franco and...
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Garzón not optimistic about immediate future

July 1, 2010
Garzón not optimistic about immediate future

In a rare interview, Garzón has told the Spanish radio network Cadena Ser that he is reasonably pessimistic about his career at this point. Speaking from the house of his friend José Saramago--the recently deceased Portuguese novelist and Nobel Prize winner--where he participated in the presentation of a biography on the writer, Garzón...
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AI: Spain should not ban veil

June 29, 2010

Amnesty International urges the parliament of Catalonia not to ban the use of full-face covering veils in public:

"Any wide-ranging ban will violate the rights to freedom of expression and religion of those women who choose to wear a full-face veil as an expression of their identity or beliefs," said...
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HRW: UK, France and Germany use torture-tained intelligence

June 29, 2010

In a report released yesterday, Human Rights Watch calls out France, Germany, and Britain for using intelligence obtained in other countries through torture:

"Berlin, Paris, and London should be working to eradicate torture, not relying on foreign torture intelligence," said Judith Sunderland, senior Western Europe researcher at Human Rights Watch....
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Gerassi’s conversations with Sartre

June 29, 2010

Joseph Waltz writes in the Monthly Review on the conversations that John Gerassi--son of a Spanish Republican general and author of The Premature Antifascists, on the Lincoln Brigade--had in the early 1970s with Jean-Paul Sartre:

“Wow,” Sartre replies, “you really want to put me on the spot today…OK...
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