
Matti Mattson (1916-2011)

January 13, 2011
Matti Mattson (1916-2011)

Matti Mattson, veteran of the Spanish Civil War, died while in hospice at JFK Hospital Atlantis, Florida, on January 11, 2011. Mattson was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. He completed one year of high school and then studied at the B.F. Brown Junior High School, where he took an elective course in printing. He then worked...
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Nation piece on Mexican Suitcase in A&L Daily

January 13, 2011
Nation piece on Mexican Suitcase in A&L Daily

Arts & Letters Daily just picked up Dan Kaufman's long piece in the Nation on the Spanish Civil War photography (the "Mexican Suitcase") on display at the International Center of Photography. (Earlier coverage here; pdf here.) The show’s stunning, must-have, 2-volume catalog is now for sale at...
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Lorca manuscript discovered

January 12, 2011
Lorca manuscript discovered

Renowned Lorca scholar Christopher Maurer--editor of the poet's Collected Poems--was doing research in the music division of the Library of Congress when he came across a manuscript of one of the poems of Poet in New York, including a set of previously unknown verses. The Guardian has the goods:

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SCW film gathers 15 nominations for Goya

January 12, 2011
SCW film gathers 15 nominations for Goya

From the Hollywood Reporter:

Alex de la Iglesia's A Sad Trumpet Ballad took 15 nominations for the Spanish Film Academy's Goya Awards,  ...  De la Iglesia's film, set against the Spanish Civil War and focusing on two circus clowns in love with the same person.

More here; see also the Volunteer's Read more »

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Blast from the past: Village Voice

January 12, 2011

Today's selection from the archives of the Village Voice covers an anti-war demonstration in November 1971:

Why are you marching? I ask the only three blacks who had showed up at the assembly point for blacks, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Asian-Americans. Why? I ask the head of an eight-man Chinese dragon...
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Families in Hull (UK) campaign for IB memorial

January 11, 2011
Families in Hull (UK) campaign for IB memorial

"Relatives of local veterans of the Spanish Civil War are campaigning for a war memorial in Hull," the BBC reports:

Eight men from Hull volunteered to fight for the Republican forces when the conflict started in 1936. ... The eight men are commemorated by a small plaque in Hull City...
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LA Times on Spain’s stolen babies

January 10, 2011

Hazel Healy writes in the Los Angeles Times on Spanish families' efforts to seek truth and justice:

Emilia Girón never forgot her second son. She wanted to name him Jesús, but he was taken from her in the hospital to be baptized and was never returned. He was stolen while she...
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Miró exhibit at Tate this spring

January 10, 2011
Miró exhibit at Tate this spring

On April 14th, 2011--as it happens, the eightieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic-- a major Joan Miró retrospective opens at Tate Modern:

The exhibition also traces an anxious and politically engaged side to Miró’s work that reflects his passionate response to one of the most turbulent...
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WSJ critically reviews Payne’s history of Spain

January 10, 2011

David Pryce-Jones, writing in the Wall Street Journal, does not find much to praise in Stanley Payne's new Spain: A Unique History:

It is far from obvious why Mr. Payne leaves out much that is familiar and that would have served either to reinforce or to refute stereotypes. ... The...
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NH public television honors Lincoln Brigade

January 10, 2011

New Hampshire's NH Outlook will dedicate part of its weekly program this Thursday to the Lincoln Brigade. More here. Once broadcast, the program can be viewed on demand here.
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