Author Archive for Marc Goldstein

Marc Goldstein: My father’s fight goes on

September 18, 2011
Marc Goldstein: My father’s fight goes on

Thank you for acknowledging my father’s bequest to ALBA. He would be pleased to know that the money will be used for specific programs and that these will be named after him. Still, knowing my father as I do, I rather suspect that he would find this honor less important than the on-going mission of...
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Maynard Goldstein (1913-2011)

March 4, 2011
Maynard Goldstein (1913-2011)

Maynard Goldstein, the last Spanish Civil War veteran residing in New York City, died on January 12. Just three months earlier, Goldstein—the last surviving veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade who fought at Jarama (February 1937)—spoke at a benefit event for ALBA. He spoke passionately, bringing to life the streets of New York in...
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