Author Archive for Denise Urcelay-Maragnès

Cuban IB veterans in a French Concentration Camp: From the Soviet Archives

December 3, 2016
Cuban IB veterans in a French Concentration Camp: From the Soviet Archives

The archives of the Communist International in Moscow, now partly available online, hold many small treasures. When we found the news bulletin published by a group of Cuban veterans of the International Brigades who were interned in the French concentration camp of Argelès-sur-Mer, we sent it to Denise Urcelay-Maragnès, who wrote a book on...
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Los voluntarios cubanos en la GCE

July 2, 2012
Los voluntarios cubanos en la GCE

La originalidad de la participación cubana en la Guerra de España reside en su importancia numérica en relación con la de los países hispanoamericanos, especialmente las islas antillanas de Puerto Rico y de la República Dominicana. En realidad, a la vista de las fuentes consultadas, fueron por lo menos 1.101.
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