search results for "assange"

War crimes & truth-tellers: Baltasar Garzón and Julian Assange

September 15, 2012
War crimes & truth-tellers: Baltasar Garzón and Julian Assange

In dramatic news last month, Baltasar Garzón--the acclaimed Spanish lawyer and former judge who built his career on doggedly pursuing accountability for human rights crimes--agreed to head the legal defense team for Julian Assange in the Wikileaks publisher’s efforts to avoid extradition to the United States via Sweden. If there is such a thing as...
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Moore and Stone stand behind Assange

August 20, 2012

In a powerful op-ed in the New York Times today, filmmakers Michael Moore and Oliver Stone defend Julian Assange and warn against the consequences of a US attempt to prosecute the founder of Wikileaks:

If Mr. Assange is extradited to the United States, the consequences will reverberate for years around the world....
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Assange Asylum Controversy Continues

August 16, 2012
Assange Asylum Controversy Continues

The controversy regarding Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa's decision to grant asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange this morning is growing at a rapid pace. According to The Guardian, Assange "took refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over allegations of sexual misconduct." Ecuadorian officials are...
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Ratner: Assange is right to fear US prosecution

August 3, 2012

In an op-ed for The Guardian, Michael Ratner wrote yesterday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whom he represents, is right to fear prosecution in the United States once he has been indicted from the United Kingdom to Sweden in relation to a case of alleged sexual misconduct. "There are several unambiguous signs that...
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Garzón joins Assange defense team

July 24, 2012
Garzón joins Assange defense team

Judge Baltasar Garzón, winner of the 2011 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, will be joining the defense team of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks who, faced with extradition to Sweden, has sought refuge in the London embassy of Ecuador. Garzón will be working alongside Michael Ratner, of the Center for Constitutional...
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Baltasar Garzón: “There’s Nothing More Dangerous Than Friendly Fire.”

February 4, 2021
Baltasar Garzón: “There’s Nothing More Dangerous Than Friendly Fire.”

Judge Garzón, the crusading Spanish magistrate and first recipient of the ALBA/Puffin Award, looks back on his turbulent career. “The truth is that my ideas have not changed much.” No Spanish judge has had as many admirers around the world as Baltasar Garzón—the Spanish judge who helped bring about a world in which political...
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Ratner on Snowden

June 24, 2013
Ratner on Snowden

Amy Goodman at Democracy Now! gets the latest news on Edward Snowden from Michael Ratner, an attorney to Wikileaks and Julian Assange, member of ALBA's Honorary Board, and president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional RightsRead more »

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Manning: I wanted to show the true costs of war

March 2, 2013
Manning: I wanted to show the true costs of war

Amy Goodman's Democracy Now spoke with Michael Ratner, president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, ALBA honorary board member, and defense counsel for Julian Assange in the United States, about the Bradley Manning case, the pretrial hearing of which Ratner attended:

For the first time, 25-year-old U.S. Army Private Bradley Manning has...
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Garzón doesn’t exclude return to politics

February 24, 2013
Garzón doesn’t exclude return to politics

In a long interview with, Baltasar Garzón, winner of the 2011 ALBA/Puffin Award, talks about the many commitments he has taken on since his disbarment two years ago, while denouncing the policies of Spain's current government and the persecution of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, whom he represents. Read the whole interview Read more »

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Garzón: “I am the last of Franco’s exiles”

August 6, 2012
Garzón: “I am the last of Franco’s exiles”

In a long interview with Natalia Junquera in El País six months after his disbarment, Judge Baltasar Garzón opens up about his work with Julian Assange, his determination to fight the Supreme Court decision ending his career, his work in Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador, Argentina, and Seattle, and the foundation he started...
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