ALBA Offers More Film Workshops and Honors Dr. Barsky
ALBA’s Film Workshops Continue
In April, ALBA’s successful online film workshop series will feature two sessions. On April 3, we’ll discuss Ken Loach’s award-winning—and controversial—film Land and Freedom (1995), with Lisa Berger, a Barcelona-based researcher who was part of Loach’s production team. On April 22, we’ll revisit a Spanish Civil War classic: Sam Wood’s For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943), based on Ernest Hemingway’s novel of the same name, starring Ingrid Bergman and Gary Cooper. The discussion will be led by Alex Vernon, a Hemingway scholar at the University of Arkansas. As always, those who register for the event will receive access to an introductory film prepared by the discussion leader, and are expected to view the film itself on their own before the online meeting.
As part of the same series, this past January 22 ALBA’s board member Steve Birnbaum led a discussion on Five Cartridges (Fünf Patronenhülsen), a 1960 film about the International Brigades by the legendary East German director Frank Beyer, whose Jacob the Liar (1975) was the only East German film ever nominated for an Academy Award. The discussion is available for viewing on ALBA’s YouTube channel.
Dr. Edward Barsky Honored
On February 11, the fiftieth anniversary of his death, ALBA honored Dr. Edward Barsky (1895-1975), who was also the subject of a special issue of The Volunteer, in an online roundtable discussion. The participants included Margo Feinberg, a labor lawyer whose mother, Helen Freeman, served as a nurse with Dr. Barsky in the Spanish Civil War; longtime public health activist Charlie Clements, MD, former president of Physicians for Human Rights; Reed Jenkins, a medical student who has researched Barsky; and ALBA’s Sebastiaan Faber. Watch the event here, on ALBA’s YouTube channel. The event and the special issue were made possible through a generous donation from Nancy Phillips.