Poetry Feature Homage to the Spanish Flu: A Found Poem*

February 4, 2021

James Benét. Photo Monica Campbell.

I resented the world for having taken my mother

away from me, explains journalist James Benét,

who went to war to fight against fascism in Spain,

and no doubt part of my radicalism was that,

he says, proud having chosen the right target,

the ills of society. I feel that everyone should feel

that way whether they lost their mother or not.


*Interview with Peter Neil Carroll


Peter Neil Carroll has published six volumes of poetry and many books of history, memoir, and non-fiction. His most recent books are Something is Bound to Break (Main Street Rag, 2019), An Elegy for Lovers (Main Street Rag, 2017) and The Truth Lies on Earth (Turning Point, 2017).
