ALBA/Puffin Award Funds Exhumations

Images from the exhumation of a mass grave in Alcalá del Valle-El Baldío (Cádiz, Spain), with the remains of four civilians—two men and two women— killed in September 1936. One of women was 7-months pregnant. The exhumation of the grave, in the summer of 2015, by volunteers of the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), was made possible thanks to the 2015 ALBA/Puffin Award.
Thanks to the funds provided by the 2015 ALBA/Puffin Award, Spain’s Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH) has been able to continue its much-needed work location and exhuming mass graves from the Spanish Civil War, identifying the remains, and returning them to their families. The photographs here are from an exhumation near Alcalá del Valle (in the Cádiz province) that took place this August. The exhumation team located the remains of four civilians—two men and two women— who were killed in September 1936. They were Remedios Partida Morilla (43), her son José Rodríguez Partida (20), and his girlfried, Rosa, who was seven months pregnant. The identity of the fourth victim is unknown. The photographs show close-ups of the one of the women’s ring and earring, as well as René Pacheco, an archaeologist working with the ARMH, explaining the Association’s work to a group of some hundred locals. (Photo credit: ARMH.)
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