New York Event: Photos and Video
Here is a video summary and a photo gallery of our Annual Celebration and Award Ceremony in New York City, May 9, 2015, at the Japan Society.
Photos by Len Tsou, Tony Graves, and Nancy Salame.
- Fraser Ottanelli and Arturo Conde
- Julia Silva
- Joy Portugal and Randy Petsche
- Ready for the reception, in Republican colors
- Carnations with names of Spanish disappeared.
- Filmmakers Pamela Yates and Paco de Onís with ALBA’s graphic designer Chris Yong
- Floral arrangement
- Sebastiaan Faber, Neal Rosenstein, Emilio Silva, and Marina Garde
- Sebastiaan Faber & Emilio Silva
- Perry Rosenstein
- An ALBA member
- Diane Drentlaw
- Liana Katz
- Dan Kaufman with Barbez and Velina Brown
- The Internationale
- Velina Brown and Pedro Pastor Guerra
- Bookstore with volunteer Patricia Cazorla
- Eunice Lipton with friend Ken
- Ellyn Polshek and Helen Searing with friends
- Susman family
- Jonah Rubin
- The ARMH delegation
- Alyce Barr, volunteer, and Velina Brown
- Jorge Moreno with volunteer Igor Moreno
- Kim & Sebastiaan Faber with Judith Ross
- Emma Daly, Emilio Silva, Stephanie Golob, and Marina Garde
- Pedro Pastor Guerra and María Villar
- Marina Garde and Pedro Pastor Guerra
- Pablo and Simone
- Evelyn Scaramella and Javier Rodríguez
- Ángela and José Giral
- Sebastiaan Faber
- Emilio Silva