Remembering Michael Nash (1946-2012)

Mike Nash at the Tamiment library. "Still from the video "ALBA: Archives of Activism," by James D. Fernández and Juan Salas,
Norman Markowitz, writing for People’s World, mourns the death of his long-time friend Mike Nash, the director of the Tamiment Library who passed away unexpectedly late last month:
The son of New York City school teachers – his father a victim of the post World War II firings and blacklisting, his mother a trade union and political activist – Michael grew up in a world where the struggles and beliefs of labor and the left were valued. … Michael Nash was much more than a historian, an archivist, a teacher, an activist. He was all of these things and also my ideal of what administrators should be in a socialist society – practical, principled, humane, gaining the respect and affection of his coworkers while he worked to advance the common good. Shortly before he died, Michael was working with the Occupy Wall Street group in New York on the collection and preservation of their archival material and gently advising them on the need for organization and structure to advance their struggle.
Read the full piece here.