Archive news: Photos now available online
Rickard Jorgensen, who has generously supported the development of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade collection at NYU’s Tamiment library, writes:
After much work by Mike Nash, Gail Malmgreen, Elizabeth Compa, Evan Daniel, Laura Helton, Julie Kessle, Porsche Martin and Jessica Weglein, the “Randall: Fifteenth International Brigade Photograph Collection” and the “Photograph International Brigades Archive” from Moscow have been digitized and are now available to scholars online, here and here. This is a significant enhancement of the previous finding aid and has augmented the available images to include a lot that were previous only available in a physical form. My wife and I are very proud to be associated with this wonderful initiative and hope it will prove to be very useful to SCW scholars.
The images are made available for research and other scholarly pursuits and if you wish to use any of them for commercial, media or publication reasons you must seek permission from Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives (email).
On another related note, during a recent collection review at Tamiment a box of about 2,000 photographic contact prints was discovered (about 30 small images on each sheet). Many of these are headed “COMRADES” and seem to be related to a movie that may have been developed (but never completed). Quite a few of these are from the Randall Collection as they are numbered in Harry’s handwriting. The images are missing from group of negatives that were scanned and uploaded to the archive website. Gail Malmgreen contacted Sam Sills (“The Good Fight”) but he knew nothing about contact sheets. Does anyone know anything about these images or the film “COMRADES”. Please contact Gail if you have any information. In the interim we shall try and figure out a way to scan and enhance these image and bring them onto the web.