Moving tribute to Maynard Goldstein

Mark Goldstein is given a photo taken by Len Tsou at his father's last public speech. Photo Anna Grau
Anna Grau, New York correspondent to the Spanish newspaper ABC, has just published a moving tribute to Maynard Goldstein, the last surviving Lincoln veteran to fight in the battle of Jarama, who passed away in January:
It was inhumanely cold in New York some weeks ago when I went out into the street in honor of Maynard Goldstein, the last veteran of the Lincoln Brigade to fight at Jarama. The news of his death at the age of 97 did not create big headlines in the United States. Here the “Lincolns” are venerated, to be sure, but by a minority. The New York Times ran a discreet obituary to let the public know that the Goldstein family was organizing a gathering at the apartment of the deceased, on the upper East Side. Was I heading toward a black Communist mass right smack in the middle of Manhattan, in the winter of 2011?
Hacía un frío inhumano en Nueva York cuando, ya hace unas cuantas semanas, nos lanzamos a la calle en honor de Maynard Goldstein, el último veterano de la Brigada Lincoln que combatió en el Jarama. No es que la noticia de su muerte a los 97 años acaparara grandes titulares en Estados Unidos. Aquí los “Lincolns” son objeto de culto, pero minoritario. Salió un discreto obituario en The New York Times informando de que la familia Goldstein invitaba a reunirse en el apartamento del difunto, en el Upper East Side. ¿Nos encaminábamos a una misa negra comunista en pleno Manhattan en invierno de 2011?
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