Capa/Taro footage in Cartier-Bresson documentary

April 11, 2010

Jacques Lemare, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Herbert Kline. (Tamiment Library, NYU, 15th IB Photo Collection, Photo #11_0818)

While looking through the photographs of the Mexican Suitcase to write a text for the catalogue of the exhibition that will open next September at the ICP in NYC I identified some images that match some of the sections of the HCB documentary. In one instance there is a photograph showing both the camera that filmed the sequence and the subject of that sequence – very similar to the images that the photo unit of the XVth IB produced and allowed me to identify the HCB documentary in the first place.

The only previous identified footage by Capa-Taro are a few seconds from the series The March of Time they shot in 1937.

I did a presentation on the subject this afternoon at the Orphan Film Symposium and it went well. I am hoping to send a short text for the Volunteer as a follow up on my article about With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain.


2 Responses to “ Capa/Taro footage in Cartier-Bresson documentary ”

  1. Miguel on September 5, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    ¿Cuándo podremos ver los nuevos minutos encontrados de With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain?

    No puedo localizarlos por ninguna parte.

    He visto que aparece en el “Orphans 7” pero… ¿se vende este DVD?

    Una ayudita por favor,

    Saludos !!!

  2. Johanna Collins on February 13, 2020 at 11:09 am

    Where can I see this film, With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain?