
Eight Argentina army officers get life

May 17, 2011

In an important victory for transitional justice after 36 years, a court in northern Argentina has sentenced eight ex-army officers to life in jail for killing unarmed activists in the town of Margarita Belén during the military dictatorship, the BBC reports:

Twenty-two people, mostly members of the Montoneros rebel group, were tortured and killed...
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Turley Garzón interview video available

May 17, 2011
Turley Garzón interview video available

Before Judge Baltasar Garzón received the first ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism this past Saturday May 14 in New York, he was interviewed by Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School. The whole interview (appr. 1h15m) was filmed by David Schwittek and can now be viewed here:
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Photos from the 2011 celebration

May 16, 2011
Photos from the 2011 celebration

Len and Nancy Tsou send their slideshow of the ALBA's 2011 New York City celebration and the ceremony for the first ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. Click here to see the images.
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Turley on his interview with Garzón

May 15, 2011
Turley on his interview with Garzón

Earlier today, Prof. Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School summarized the main points of his two-hour conversation with ALBA/Puffin awardee Baltasar Garzón:

Garzón stated that the Obama Administration’s use of the “just following orders” defense as well as the protection of lawyers involved in the torture program violated the Nuremberg...
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Spanish media cover ALBA/Puffin Award

May 15, 2011

All the major Spanish papers covered the news of Judge Baltasar Garzón's acceptance of the ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism yesterday in New York City, as well as his conversation with Professor Jonathan Turley: El País, ABC, El Mundo, Público, as well as El Diario in New York.
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Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

May 15, 2011
Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, members of ALBA, representatives of the Puffin Foundation, authorities, amigas y amigos: Seventy-five years ago in my country, Spain, one of the darkest and saddest chapters in the history of humanity began. It lasted more than forty years and even today, after 34 years of democracy, it has not...
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US intelligence files on Argentina dictatorship remain secret

May 14, 2011

"An effort to declassify American intelligence files on Argentina’s dictatorship failed in Congress on Friday in Washington, disappointing rights activists in Argentina who believe the secret documents could help them identify young people stolen as babies by the military junta," the Associate Press reports:

The amendment by Representative Maurice D. Hinchey, Democrat...
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Garzón on CNN in Spanish

May 12, 2011

The Spanish-language channel of CNN interviewed Judge Garzón this afternoon. View the video here:
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David Cole: Garzón fitting recipient for ALBA/Puffin HR Award

May 12, 2011

"In the 1930s some 2,800 Americans joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and traveled to Spain to fight to defend democracy and defeat fascism after Gen. Francisco Franco’s right-wing coup," Georgetown University Law Professor David Cole writes in The Nation. "In 2011 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA), an educational nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the...
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Garzón: Career ruined even if cleared

May 12, 2011
Garzón: Career ruined even if cleared

Judge Garzón said yesterday that even if he is cleared of the charges brought against him in three pending cases before the Spanish Supreme Court, his ability to do his job at his post on the National Criminal Court (Audiencia Nacional) will be severely compromised, Reuters reports:

"Any interested party could use...
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