
US intelligence files on Argentina dictatorship remain secret

May 14, 2011

"An effort to declassify American intelligence files on Argentina’s dictatorship failed in Congress on Friday in Washington, disappointing rights activists in Argentina who believe the secret documents could help them identify young people stolen as babies by the military junta," the Associate Press reports:

The amendment by Representative Maurice D. Hinchey, Democrat...
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Garzón on CNN in Spanish

May 12, 2011

The Spanish-language channel of CNN interviewed Judge Garzón this afternoon. View the video here:
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David Cole: Garzón fitting recipient for ALBA/Puffin HR Award

May 12, 2011

"In the 1930s some 2,800 Americans joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and traveled to Spain to fight to defend democracy and defeat fascism after Gen. Francisco Franco’s right-wing coup," Georgetown University Law Professor David Cole writes in The Nation. "In 2011 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA), an educational nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the...
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Garzón: Career ruined even if cleared

May 12, 2011
Garzón: Career ruined even if cleared

Judge Garzón said yesterday that even if he is cleared of the charges brought against him in three pending cases before the Spanish Supreme Court, his ability to do his job at his post on the National Criminal Court (Audiencia Nacional) will be severely compromised, Reuters reports:

"Any interested party could use...
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Garzón interviewed by Democracy Now

May 12, 2011
Garzón interviewed by Democracy Now

Baltasar Garzón, in New York to receive the first ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism this Saturday, was interviewed this morning on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now. View the interview at the Democracy Now website; listen to the half-hour interview here (mp3). (Translation by ALBA's Tony Geist.) Interested in meeting Judge Garzón? Some Read more »

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Garzón: Bin Laden killing unacceptable

May 11, 2011
Garzón: Bin Laden killing unacceptable

In an interview with Radio Netherlands Worldwide, Baltasar Garzón has condemned the assassination of Osama bin Laden. "Not even the worst terrorist on earth deserves to be killed, especially when other options are still open," declared the Spanish judge, who is a staunch opponent of the death penalty. "If I do not...
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Garzón’s Berkeley speech online

May 11, 2011
Garzón’s Berkeley speech online

UC Berkeley's Center for Latin American Studies has put a video online of the speech Baltasar Garzón gave there on April 27th, entitled "Universal Jurisdiction and International Justice." View the 1.5-hour clip here:
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Horton’s Gitmo story wins National Magazine Award

May 10, 2011

Scott Horton's investigative piece on the suicides at the Guantánamo detention facility has just won the National Magazine Award. Horton, who writes for Harper's, has also been one of the most perceptive U.S. followers of Baltasar Garzón's work (see previous Volunteer coverage here). Guantánamo will be one of the topics covered by Prof. Jonathan...
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Turley: Garzón a personal hero

May 9, 2011
Turley: Garzón a personal hero

"Judge Garzón is a personal hero," Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School writes on his blog today:

For civil libertarians, there are few heroes who can match Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who ordered the arrest of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet in 1998 and later worked to identify human...
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Bring your class to ALBA’s event this Saturday

May 9, 2011

High-school and college teachers interested in bringing their classes to ALBA's annual celebration this coming Saturday May 14 in New York City may contact Marina Garde at or 212-674-5398 for special group discounts.
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